My name is LOLO, I am a mixed-breed champagne-colored dog and I want to talk to you about "LOLO Groups",
the Tour Operator dedicated to my travels and those of my 4-legged friends.
It all began in 2013, the year in which "Holidays with the dog" was born, a product that was initially dedicated to the
holidays tailored to us dogs and our owners but, given the great success and the numerous requests,
my mistress decided to expand the services dedicated to us.
LOLO Groups today becomes a Tour Operator with many interesting proposals for everything related to our fun.
Organize holidays designed according to "our" needs by proposing the most suitable facilities, takes care of the most
suitable means of transport, shows us everything that we will find in the holiday area that will help us always feel welcome.
In addition we will always have a reference veterinary clinic in case we have to get sick or have some unexpected event.
In addition to the holidays there are also: group trips, weekends, Tours "City" with the presence of official guides for
our owners and dog trainers who teach us many beautiful things to make us even smarter and the Tours " Nature "
accompanied by naturalistic guides.
LOLO Groups offers the possibility to participate in training courses, events, organize our weddings and, for those who have a single boss,
make sure that you can meet with other singles and who knows ... Maybe we will also have new friends adopted
Our owners will receive assistance, information and quality service, always counting on a team of professionals dedicated to them.
Finally they can always take us with them !!!
Want to visit a museum, a historic residence,
participate in an event or an exhibition but access to dogs is prohibited?
No problem ... we'll take care of it!
If you have already visited the city with the LOLO Groups guide during our tours
but you really do not want to lose that place or event ...
Send an email to tours@lologroups.com
indicates the date, what you want to see and the duration of the visit us
You will receive entry tickets and you will find waiting for you at the entrance
a dog sitter who will take care of your hair.
You immersed in culture and he immersed in a meadow!